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Take the Next Step Toward Electronic Signatures


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When Thomas Fredell read about passage of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act of 2000 (called the E-Sign Act) nearly two years ago, he expected to see e-signatures take off Twenty one months later, Fredell, chief development officer at Intralinks, a New York-based collaborative technology firm, acknowledges, "The reality is, it hasn't happened." Intralinks provides collaborative workspaces for such online tasks as conducting clinical drug trials and processing syndicated loans, including exchanges of contracts. What better place to deploy e-signatures? "We've thought about it, we've put together proto- types and we plan to provide electronic signatures," Fredell says. "The main questions for us are, what is the client-side footprint for the technology, and how easy is it for our customers to use? The technology out there is pretty good, but the client-side footprint is typically heavy."
机译:大约两年前,托马斯·弗雷德尔(Thomas Fredell)阅读了《 2000年全球和国家商业电子签名法》(称为《电子签名法》)的通过时,他期望二十个月后看到电子签名的起飞。位于纽约的协作技术公司Intralinks承认:“现实是,这还没有发生。” Intralinks提供协作工作空间,用于执行在线任务,例如进行临床药物试验和处理银团贷款,包括合同交换。有什么更好的部署电子签名的地方?弗雷德尔说:“我们已经考虑过了,我们已经整合了原型,我们计划提供电子签名。” “我们面临的主要问题是,该技术的客户端占用空间是多少,客户使用起来有多容易?那里的技术还不错,但是客户端占用空间通常很大。”



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