首页> 外文期刊>Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry >Isolation and identification of fungi tolerant to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and coal tar from different habitats in Lithuania

Isolation and identification of fungi tolerant to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and coal tar from different habitats in Lithuania


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A group of 36 fungal strains, belonging to the Lithuanian mycobiota, was collected and isolated from different locations, habitats, and matrices, including creosote-treated wood in storage yards for crosstie wastes. The eight most perspective strains selected according to preliminary assessment of tolerance to coal tar were subsequently identified combining taxonomical evaluation and molecular techniques. The tolerance of the eight identified fungal species (five basidiomycetes and three ascomycetes) to the presence of various concentrations of coal tar, and for the four most perspective fungal strains (Pleurotus sp., Schizophyllum sp., Irpex lacteus, Bjerkandera adusta) to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was evaluated. The ligninolytic enzymatic activity assay of the isolated strains resulted in a good correspondence between the tolerance to pollutants and the capability to produce ligninolytic enzymes indicating that this group of white-rot fungi is perspective for further investigation and eventual usage for mycoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons polluted substrates.
机译:收集并分离了一组立陶宛分枝杆菌属的36种真菌菌株,它们从不同的地点,生境和基质中分离出来,包括杂物处理过的木材,这些杂物在储存场中用于处理交叉废物。随后结合分类学评估和分子技术,确定了根据对煤焦油耐受性的初步评估选择的八个最有前景的菌株。八种已鉴定的真菌物种(五种担子菌和三种子囊菌)对各种浓度的煤焦油的耐受性,以及四种最有前景的真菌菌株(白灵菇,裂殖酵母,Irpex lacteus,Bjerkandera adusta)的耐受性评价了芳烃。分离菌株的木质素分解酶活性测定导致对污染物的耐受性与产生木质素分解酶的能力之间的良好对应性,表明这组白腐真菌是进一步研究和最终用于污染多环芳烃的核心研究的前景。基材。



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