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Transfinite Hausdorff dimension


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Making extensive use of small transfinite topological dimension trind, we ascribe to every metric space X an ordinal number (or -1 or Ω) tHD(X), and we call it the transfinite Hausdorff dimension of X. This ordinal number shares many common features with Hausdorff dimension. It is monotone with respect to subspaces, it is invariant under bi-Lipschitz maps (but in general not under homeomorphisms), in fact like Hausdorff dimension, it does not increase under Lipschitz maps, and it also satisfies the intermediate dimension property (Theorem 2.7). The primary goal of transfinite Hausdorff dimension is to classify metric spaces with infinite Hausdorff dimension. Indeed, if tHD(X) ω_0, then HD(X) = +∞. We prove that tHD(X) ≤ω_1 for every separable metric space X, and, as our main theorem, we show that for every ordinal number α < ω_1 there exists a compact metric space X_α (a subspace of the Hilbert space l_2) with tHD(X_α) = α and which is a topological Cantor set, thus of topological dimension 0. In our proof we develop a metric version of Smirnov topological spaces and we establish several properties of transfinite Hausdorff dimension, including its relations with classical Hausdorff dimension.
机译:通过广泛使用小型超限拓扑维数trind,我们将每个度量空间X赋予一个序数(或-1或Ω)tHD(X),并将其称为X的超维数Hausdorff维。该序数具有许多共同特征与Hausdorff尺寸。它相对于子空间是单调的,在bi-Lipschitz映射下是不变的(但通常在同胚性下不是不变的),实际上像Hausdorff维度一样,在Lipschitz映射下它不会增加,并且它也满足中间维度属性(定理2.7) )。无限Hausdorff维数的主要目标是对具有无限Hausdorff维数的度量空间进行分类。实际上,如果tHD(X)ω_0,则HD(X)= +∞。我们证明每个可分离的度量空间X的tHD(X)≤ω_1,并且作为我们的主要定理,我们证明对于每个序数α<ω_1都有一个紧凑的度量空间X_α(希尔伯特空间l_2的子空间)具有tHD(X_α)=α,它是拓扑Cantor集,因此拓扑维数为0。在我们的证明中,我们开发了Smirnov拓扑空间的度量版本,并建立了超额Hausdorff维的若干性质,包括其与经典Hausdorff维的关系。



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