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Concrete functors determined by their restrictions to the T_0 objects


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This paper deals with certain concrete functors between topological categories in the sense of H. Herrlich. In particular we consider those functors which are sections of forgetful functors between two such categories, and we represent them as composite of a left adjoint section followed by a concrete bireflection. We give sufficient conditions for such functors to be uniquely determined by their restrictions to the respective quotient reflective full subcategories of T_0 objects in the sense of Th. Marny [Th. Marny, On epireflective subcategories of topological categories, General Topology Appl. 10 (1979) 175-181], and we give an example to show how the uniqueness may fail. We also address the question of commutation between the forgetful functor and its sections with the T_0 reflectors.
机译:本文从H. Herrlich的角度处理拓扑类别之间的某些具体函子。特别地,我们考虑那些函子,它们是两个此类之间的健忘函子的部分,我们将它们表示为左伴随部分的组合,然后是具体的双反射。我们给这样的函子提供了充分的条件,以根据它们对Th表示的T_0对象的商反射全子类的限制来唯一地确定它们。玛妮[Th。 Marny,关于拓扑类别的上反射子类别,一般拓扑应用。 10(1979)175-181],我们举一个例子来说明唯一性可能会失败的原因。我们还讨论了用T_0反射镜在健忘函子及其截面之间进行换向的问题。



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