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On inductive dimension modulo a simplicial complex


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For a given simplicial complex K, V.V. Fedorchuk has recently introduced the dimension functions K-dim and K-Ind and constructed a first countable and separable continuum X_n such that K-dim X_n = n < 2n - 1 ≤ K-Ind X_n ≤ 2n for each integer n > 1, provided the join K * K is non-contractible. We study a modification K-Indo of K-Ind and develop its theory to a point that enables us to compute the inductive dimensions of a variety of spaces. Let α.β be ordinals of cardinality at most c and n an integer with 1 ≤ n≤α≤ β. We construct, inter alia, (1) first countable and separable continua S_α with K-dimS_α = 1 while K-_ndS_α = K-IndoS_α =a, (2) first countable and separable continua S_(n.α) with K-dimS_(n.α) =n while K-Ind S_(n.α) = K-IndoS_(n.α) =a, (3) first countable, hereditarily strongly paracompact continua T_α such that K-dim T_α = K-Ind T_α = 1 while K-Ind_0 T_α=α, (4) first countable continua T_(n.α.β) with K-dm T_(n.α.β) =n while K-Ind T_(n.α.β) = α, and K-Ind_0T_(n.α.β)=β. For the construction of the spaces T_α and T_α it suffices to assume that K is non-contractible, while the construction of the spaces S_(n.α) and T_(n.α.β)for n > 1 requires the stronger restriction that the join K * K is non-contractible.
机译:对于给定的单纯形复数K,V.V. Fedorchuk最近引入了维函数K-dim和K-Ind,并构造了第一个可数和可分离的连续体X_n,使得对于每个n> 1的整数,K-dim X_n = n <2n-1≤K-Ind X_n≤2n联接K * K是不可收缩的。我们研究了K-Ind的修改K-Indo,并将其理论发展到使我们能够计算各种空间的归纳维数的程度。令α.β为基数的序数,c为n,n为1≤n≤α≤β的整数。除其他外,我们构造(1)K-dimS_α= 1的第一个可数和可分离的连续S_α,而K-_ndS_α=K-IndoS_α= a,(2)K-dimS_的第一个可数和可分离的连续S_(n.α) (n.α)= n,而K-Ind S_(n.α)= K-IndoS_(n.α)= a,(3)首先可数的,遗传强烈的拟紧连续T_α,使得K-dimT_α= K-Ind T_α= 1,而K-Ind_0T_α=α,(4)首先可数连续T_(n.α.β),其中K-dm T_(n.α.β)= n,而K-Ind T_(n.α.β )=α,而K-Ind_0T_(n.α.β)=β。对于空间T_α和T_α的构造,足以假设K是不可收缩的,而对于n> 1的空间S_(n.α)和T_(n.α.β)的构造需要更强的约束,即联接K * K是不可收缩的。



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