首页> 外文期刊>Topology and its applications >Mapping tori of small dilatation expanding train-track maps

Mapping tori of small dilatation expanding train-track maps


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An expanding train-track map on a graph of rank n is P-small if its dilatation is bounded above by P~(1). We prove that for every P there is a finite list of mapping tori X_1,..., X_A, with A depending only on P and not n, so that the mapping torus associated with every P-small expanding train-track map can be obtained by surgery on some X_i. We also show that, given an integer P > 0, there is a bound M depending only on P and not n, so that the fundamental group of the mapping torus of any P-small expanding train-track map has a presentation with less than M generators and M relations. We also provide some bounds for the smallest possible dilatation.
机译:如果扩张的范围在P〜(1 / n)的上方,则等级为n的图上的扩展火车轨道图将为P-small。我们证明,对于每个P,都有一个映射tori X_1,...,X_A的有限列表,其中A仅取决于P而不是n,因此与每个P小扩展火车轨道图关联的映射环面可以是通过手术在一些X_i上获得。我们还表明,给定整数P> 0,有一个边界M仅取决于P而不是n,因此,任何P小扩展火车轨道图的映射圆环的基本群的表示都小于M个生成器和M个关系。我们还为最小的扩张提供了一些界限。



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