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They are gassign us! We really beg not to be gassed. We hope it will not be like the Kursk!" As a thick, visible mist enveloped hostages and their takers in Moscow's House of Culture theater, Anya cried for help through her cell phone. The hostage thought she was about to suffocate slowly just like the sailors trapped aboard the crippled Russian submarine Kursk in 2000. "We see it, we feel it, we are breathing through our clothes. We are all going to be blown up!" But the fast-acting sleeping agent being pumped into the theater was the key ingredient in a daring rescue raid. As early as Day One of the hostage standoff, diggers had been tunneling underneath the theater in preparation for an assault. Now in the early hours of Saturday, gunshots from inside had forced into action the waiting Spetsnaz commando troops in the elite Alfa and Vympel antiterror units of the Federal Security Service. The Chechen hostage takers, it seemed, were about to fulfill their death vow. They had sworn that if Russian President Vladimir Putin had not declared an end to the war in Chechnya by Saturday at dawn, they would start killing hostages. If they were assaulted, they made clear they were ready to blow up explosives plastered around the auditorium and strapped to their bodies.
机译:他们给我们加油!我们真的恳求不要被处决。我们希望它不会像库尔斯克人一样!”在莫斯科文化之家剧院,人像和浓密的薄雾笼罩着人质和他们的劫持者,安雅通过手机大声呼救。人质以为她快要像窒息一样窒息而死。水手在2000年被困在残破的俄罗斯潜艇库尔斯克号上。“我们看到了,我们感觉到了,我们正在穿衣服呼吸。我们所有人都将被炸死!”但是,快活的睡眠剂被抽进剧院是大胆营救突袭的关键因素。早在人质对峙的第一天,挖掘者就一直在隧道下方挖洞。现在,在星期六的凌晨,内部的枪声迫使联邦安全局精锐的阿尔法和温佩尔反恐部队的等待中的斯派茨纳兹突击队部队行动起来。车臣人质劫持者似乎即将他们发誓,如果俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)未能在黎明前星期六宣布结束车臣战争,他们将开始杀害人质;如果遭到袭击,他们明确表示他们准备炸毁炸药。贴在礼堂周围并绑在他们的身上。



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