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It Used To Be Said That In Polite society one shouldn't discuss sex or money. But that's no longer possible in the Roman Catholic Church. Just last week Milwaukee Archbishop Rem-bert G. Weakland acknowledged paying $450,000 in 1998 to settle a claim that two decades ago he sexually assaulted a 30-year-old graduate student. (The Vatican accepted his resignation a day after the revelation.) Add the Weakland settlement to the huge sums other dioceses have paid to cover sex-abuse claims in recent years: an estimated $25 million in Santa Fe, N.M.; nearly $30 million in Boston; and $31 million in Dallas. With new allegations of sexual abuse surfacing almost weekly, Catholic dioceses across the U.S. face hundreds of millions of dollars in additional claims. Many now wonder: Can the church actually go broke? The short answer is no. In the U.S. the Catholic Church collects revenues totaling around $7.5 billion annually. Even more impressive are its vast property holdings, which include everything from cathedrals and schools to beachfront retreats, stately mansions, golf courses and television and radio stations. But the real secret of the church's financial strength is that each of the 178 Roman Catholic dioceses in the U.S. organizes its affairs separately; nearly all employ a highly complex and decentralized legal structure that so far has effectively shielded their assets from legal claims brought against priests.
机译:过去人们曾说过,在礼貌的社会中,不应讨论性或金钱。但这在罗马天主教堂已不再可能。就在上周,密尔沃基大主教雷姆·伯特·韦克兰德(Rem-bert G. Weakland)于1998年承认支付45万美元,以了结一项指控,即二十年前他对一名30岁的研究生进行了性侵犯。 (梵蒂冈在事发后的第二天就接受了辞职。)将Weakland的定居点加上近年来其他教区为支付性虐待指控而支付的巨额款项:估计为2500万美元,位于新墨西哥州圣达菲;波士顿近3000万美元;以及达拉斯的3,100万美元。随着几乎每周都有新的性虐待指控浮出水面,美国的天主教教区面临着数亿美元的额外索偿要求。现在许多人都纳闷:教会真的可以破产吗?最简洁的答案是不。在美国,天主教堂每年的总收入约为75亿美元。更令人印象深刻的是其庞大的财产,其中包括大教堂和学校到海滨度假胜地,庄严的豪宅,高尔夫球场以及电视台和广播台。但是,教会财务实力的真正秘诀是,美国的178个罗马天主教教区中的每个教区都是分别组织事务的;几乎所有国家/地区都采用高度复杂和分散的法律结构,迄今为止,这些结构已有效地保护了其资产免受针对牧师的法律要求。



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