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Courting Controversy


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Ever since robert bork was defeated in his 1987 bid for a seat on the Supreme Court, liberals have feared that the court would turn right on the issues they care most about. And this was the year their fears finally began to be vindicated. As the first full term with both Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito came to a close, it became increasingly clear that in the post-Sandra Day O'Connor era, the center of the court has shifted several degrees to the right. Both Alito and Anthony Kennedy, who has emerged as the new swing Justice, are more conservative than O'Connor was on some key issues that came before the Justices this term. As a result, the court tacked right in decisions on issues ranging from partial-birth abortion and employment discrimination to, in recent days, campaign finance.
机译:自从罗伯特·博克(Robert Bork)在1987年争取获得最高法院席位的提议中被击败以来,自由主义者一直担心法院会在他们最关心的问题上转向正确的方向。而这一年,他们的恐惧终于被证明了。随着约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)和塞缪尔·阿里托(Samuel Alito)法官的第一个完整任期接近尾声,越来越清楚的是,在桑德拉·戴·奥康纳(Sandra Day O'Connor)时代之后,法院的中心向右移了几个度。担任新任摇摆人大法官的Alito和Anthony Kennedy都比奥康纳本学期在一些重要问题上更为保守。结果,法院在关于部分流产和就业歧视到竞选资金等问题上的决定中保留了权利。



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