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The Biology Of Belief


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Most folks probably couldn't locate their parietal lobe with a map and a compass. For the record, it's I at the top of your head-aft of the frontal lobe, fore of the occipital lobe, north of the temporal lobe. What makes the parietal lobe special is not where it lives but what it does-particularly concerning matters of faith. If you've ever prayed so hard that you've lost all sense of a larger world outside yourself, that's your parietal lobe at work. If you've ever meditated so deeply that you'd swear the very boundaries of your body had dissolved, that's your parietal too. There are other regions responsible for making your brain the spiritual amusement park it can be: your thalamus plays a role, as do your frontal lobes. But it's your parietal lobe-a central mass of tissue that processes sensory input-that may have the most transporting effect.



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