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Teachers Just Say No To Drug Tests


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One could argue that some people-painters, fashion models, rock stars-perform better under the influence. But other jobs should go only to the perpetually sober. We don't want our chemical-weapons handlers to be pulling a Michael Phelps on the job, which is why employees in high-risk positions are subjected to random drug tests. But what about people who work in less perilous, if equally unpredictable, environments-say, with kids in public schools? Should teachers be randomly tested too? Yes, says Linda Lingle, GOP governor of Hawaii, where the teachers' union agreed in 2007 to negotiate the terms of a new drug-testing program in exchange for more pay. Now some Hawaii teachers are resisting, citing the cost of the tests to the schools and to their right to privacy. Teacher-testing has also become the subject of recent court cases in North Carolina and West Virginia. But aside from the legal issues, one important question hasn't been addressed so far: Does random drug-testing actually reduce drug use?
机译:有人可能会说,在这种影响下,一些人画家,时装模特,摇滚明星的表现更好。但是其他工作应该永远保持清醒。我们不希望化学武器处理人员在工作中拖拉迈克尔·菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps),这就是为什么高风险职位的员工会接受随机药物测试的原因。但是,如果人们在公立学校里与孩子一起在不太危险(如果同样不可预测)环境中工作的人呢?老师也应该接受随机测试吗?是的,夏威夷共和党州长Linda Lingle说,在2007年,教师工会同意就一项新的药物测试计划的条款进行谈判,以换取更多的报酬。现在,一些夏威夷的老师对此表示抵制,理由是测试成本对学校及其隐私权造成了影响。教师考试也已成为北卡罗莱纳州和西弗吉尼亚州最近法院案件的主题。但是,除了法律问题外,到目前为止还没有解决一个重要的问题:随机抽药是否真的减少了用药?



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