首页> 外文期刊>Thin Solid Films >Three-dimensional deposition topography simulation based on new combinations of flux distribution and surface representation algorithms

Three-dimensional deposition topography simulation based on new combinations of flux distribution and surface representation algorithms


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The development of a full three-dimensional (3-D) deposition topography simulator is indispensable to the precise estimation of thin film deposition topography on asymmetric deposition geometries. In this study, we expand the application range of the equi-volume rate model (EVRM), a cell-based surface representation algorithm for full 3-D topography simulation, into rigorous flux distribution algorithms such as the Monte Carlo method (MCM) and the ballistic transport and reaction model (BTRM). A new full 3-D deposition topography simulation is conducted based on the new combinations of flux distribution and surface representation algorithms. To ensure the effectiveness of our simulation, we conduct numerous simulations for various deposition geometries with varying sticking coefficients and directionality factors. We also compare the simulation results of MCM-EVRM and BTRM-EVRM versions. From the viewpoint of precise simulated topography, a particle-based MCM has better suitability to a cell-based EVRM than a flux-based BTRM. In addition, from the viewpoint of computational time, the MCM-EVRM method is apt for the complex geometries and for the deposition processes of high sticking coefficient; such as physical vapor deposition and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. In the other hand, the BTRM-EVRM method is suitable for the simple geometries and for the processes of low sticking coefficient such as chemical vapor deposition.



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