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Discourse or Dialogue? Habermas, the Bakhtin Circle, and the question of concrete utterances


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This article argues that the Bakhtin Circle presents a more realistic theory of concrete dialogue than the theory of discourse elaborated by Habermas. The Bakhtin Circle places speech within the “concrete whole utterance” and by this phrase they mean that the study of everyday language should be analyzed through the mediations of historical social systems such as capitalism. These mediations are also characterized by a determinate set of contradictions—the capital-labor contradiction in capitalism, for example—that are reproduced in unique ways in more concrete forms of life (the state, education, religion, culture, and so on). Utterances always dialectically refract these processes and as such are internal concrete moments, or concrete social forms, of them. Moreover, new and unrepeatable dialogic events arise in these concrete social forms in order to overcome and understand the constant dialectical flux of social life. But this theory of dialogue is different from that expounded by Habermas, who tends to explore speech acts by reproducing a dualism between repeatable and universal “abstract” discursive processes (commonly known as the ideal speech situation) and empirical uses of discourse. These critical points against Habermas are developed by focusing on six main areas: sentences and utterances; the lifeworld and background language; active versus passive understandings of language; validity claims; obligation and relevance in language; and dialectical universalism.
机译:本文认为,巴赫金圈子提出的具体对话理论要比哈贝马斯阐述的话语理论更为现实。巴赫金圈子(Bakhtin Circle)将演讲置于“具体整体话语”之内,用这个短语,它们意味着应该通过诸如资本主义之类的历史社会体系的调解来分析日常语言。这些调解还具有一系列确定的矛盾,例如,资本主义中的劳资矛盾,这些矛盾以独特的方式在更具体的生活形式(国家,教育,宗教,文化等)中再现。言语总是辩证地折射这些过程,因此是它们内部的具体时刻或具体的社会形式。而且,在这些具体的社会形式中出现了新的,不可重复的对话事件,以克服和理解社会生活的不断辩证变化。但是,这种对话理论与哈贝马斯所阐述的对话理论不同,哈贝马斯倾向于通过在可重复的和普遍的“抽象”话语过程(通常称为理想言语境况)与话语的经验用途之间再现二元论来探索言语行为。针对哈贝马斯的这些关键点主要集中在六个主要领域:句子和话语;生活世界和背景语言;对语言的主动或被动理解;有效性声明;语言义务和相关性;和辩证的普遍主义。



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