首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical and applied climatology >South Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability: Coupled climate model simulations and projections under IPCC AR4

South Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability: Coupled climate model simulations and projections under IPCC AR4

机译:南亚夏季风季风降水变化:IPCC AR4下的气候模式耦合模拟和预测

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South Asian summer monsoon precipitation and its variability are examined from the outputs of the coupled climate models assessed as part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment. Out of the 22 models examined, 19 are able to capture the maximum rainfall during the summer monsoon period (June through September) with varying amplitude. While two models are unable to reproduce the annual cycle well, one model is unable to simulate the summer monsoon season. The simulated inter-annual variability from the 19 models is examined with respect to the mean precipitation, coefficient of variation, long-term trends and the biennial tendency. The model simulated mean precipitation varies from 500 mm to 900 mm and coefficient of variation from 3 to 13%. While seven models exhibit long-term trends, eight are able to simulate the biennial nature of the monsoon rainfall. Six models, which generate the most realistic 20th century monsoon climate over south Asia, are selected to examine future projections under the doubling CO_2 scenario. Projections reveal a significant increase in mean monsoon precipitation of 8% and a possible extension of the monsoon period based on the multi-model ensemble technique. Extreme excess and deficient monsoons are projected to intensify. The projected increase in precipitation could be attributed to the projected intensification of the heat low over northwest India, the trough of low pressure over the Indo-Gangetic plains, and the land-ocean pressure gradient during the establishment phase of the monsoon. The intensification of these pressure systems could be attributed to the decline in winter/spring snowfall. Furthermore, a decrease of winter snowfall over western Eurasia is also projected along with an increase of winter snowfall over Siberia/eastern Eurasia. This projected dipole snow configuration during winter could imply changes in mid-latitude circulation conducive to subsequent summer monsoon precipitation activity. An increase in precipitable water of 12-16% is projected over major parts of India. A maximum increase of about 20-24% is found over the Arabian Peninsula, adjoining regions of Pakistan, northwest India and Nepal. Although the projected summer monsoon circulation appears to weaken, the projected anomalous flow over the Bay of Bengal (Arabian Sea) will support oceanic moisture convergence towards the southern parts of India and Sri Lanka (northwest India and adjoining regions). The ENSO-Monsoon relationship is also projected to weaken.
机译:根据作为政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估的一部分而评估的耦合气候模型的输出,研究了南亚夏季风的降水及其变化。在所检查的22个模型中,有19个能够以变化的幅度捕获夏季季风期(6月至9月)的最大降雨量。虽然有两个模型无法很好地再现年周期,但一个模型无法模拟夏季季风季节。从平均降水量,变异系数,长期趋势和两年期趋势方面考察了来自19个模型的模拟年际变化。该模型模拟的平均降水量从500 mm到900 mm不等,变异系数从3%到13%不等。虽然有七个模型显示了长期趋势,但八个模型可以模拟季风降雨的两年期性质。选择了六个模型,它们产生了南亚最现实的20世纪季风气候,以研究CO_2倍增情况下的未来预测。预测显示,基于多模式合奏技术,平均季风降水将显着增加8%,并且可能会延长季风周期。预计极端过量和不足的季风将会加剧。预计降水量的增加可能归因于印度西北部低热量的预计加剧,印度-恒河平原上低压的低谷以及季风建立阶段的陆地-海洋压力梯度。这些压力系统的加剧可能归因于冬季/春季降雪量的减少。此外,预计欧亚大陆西部的冬季降雪量将减少,而西伯利亚/欧亚大陆东部的冬季降雪量将增加。预计冬季的偶极雪构型可能暗示中纬度环流发生变化,从而导致随后的夏季季风降水活动。预计印度大部分地区的可降水量将增加12-16%。在阿拉伯半岛,巴基斯坦,印度西北部和尼泊尔的毗连地区,最大增幅约为20-24%。尽管预计的夏季季风环流似乎减弱,但预计孟加拉湾(阿拉伯海)上空的异常流量将支持向印度南部和斯里兰卡(印度西北部及毗邻地区)的海洋水分汇聚。预计ENSO与季风之间的关系也会减弱。



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