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Raising The Curtain on Aids


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By decimating entire generations, the epidemic has emerged as a dramatic obstacle to sustainable development in Africa. By calling on Prosper Kompaore, a specialist in interactive theatre, the UNESCO office in Dakar has chosen to tackle the issue of prevention in a different way. In the market square of Manga, a town located 105 kilometres east of Ouagadougou, vendors close their shops one after another as the sun dips lower. In the middle of cabarets selling dolo, the local millet beer, the troupe from the Burkinabe Theatre Workshop (ATB) starts setting up its performance area in front of an impatient crowd. In next to no time, the stage is set. The evening's show: The Cough of the Serpent, a play to heighten awareness of tuberculosis - an illness often linked to HIV/AIDS - that is being presented at the request of the National Tuberculosis Programme and the regional health authority.
机译:通过使整个世代丧失生命,这一流行病已成为非洲可持续发展的重大障碍。通过拜访互动剧院专家Prosper Kompaore,教科文组织达喀尔办事处选择了以不同的方式处理预防问题。在瓦加杜古(Ouagadougou)以东105公里处的小镇Manga的集市广场上,随着太阳下山,摊贩们纷纷关闭商店。在出售dolo的歌舞表演中间,当地的小米啤酒,来自Burkinabe Theatre Workshop(ATB)的剧团开始在急躁的人群面前设立表演区。在几乎没有时间的情况下,设置了舞台。当晚的表演:《咳嗽之蛇》,这是一种提高结核病意识的戏剧,结核病是一种经常与艾滋病毒/艾滋病有关的疾病,应国家结核病规划署和地方卫生当局的要求进行播放。



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