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Another View Of The Public Right To Fish -and The Question Of Regulation Or Ownership


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Tom Appleby's article 'Damage by fishing in the UK's Lyme Bay-A problem of regulation or ownership?' is an interesting analysis, albeit from a somewhat partisan standpoint, of the scope that exists for state bodies to take measures to limit damage to benthic fauna or flora of nature conservation interest caused by a particular method of fishing, and by fishing in general. This article represents an alternative viewpoint. Appleby argues that there are intrinsic common law limitations to the right to fish, irrespective of statutory prohibitions or restrictions on the public right. The implications of this are that the exercise or purported exercise of the public right to fish by particular methods may constitute a civil tort actionable by the owner of the seabed; that where that owner is a state body, there may be a specific o-bligation to take action against the tortfeasors, and the existence of the civil tort may then render other provisions of criminal law applicable against the tortfeasor. Appleby specifically suggests, by analogy with private law doctrines in relation to easements and profits a prendre, that there can be exceedence of the public right. He also discusses the possibility that collateral environmental damage from fishing operations may be considered ancillary to the public right of fishery.
机译:汤姆·阿普比(Tom Appleby)的文章“在英国莱姆湾(Lyme Bay)捕鱼造成的损害-监管或所有权问题?”这是一个有趣的分析,尽管从某种程度上是党派的角度来看,但对于国家机构采取措施来限制由特定捕鱼方法以及一般捕鱼对底栖动物或具有自然保护意义的动植物造成损害的范围,是一个有趣的分析。本文提出了另一种观点。阿普比(Appleby)辩称,普通法对捕捞权有限制,无论法定禁止或对公共权利的限制如何。其含义是,以特定方法行使或声称行使公共捕鱼权可能构成海床所有人可诉诸的民事侵权行为;如果该拥有人是国家机构,则可能有特定的O义务对侵权行为人采取行动,而民事侵权行为的存在可能会使其他刑法规定适用于侵权人。 Appleby特别地通过类推地役权和利润方面的私法学说,暗示可能超越公共权利。他还讨论了捕捞作业对环境造成的附带损害可能被视为附带于渔业公共权利的可能性。



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