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Terminations for Convenience


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In Ardco, Inc., the AGBCA, in deciding a Forest Service motion for partial summary judgment, held that a contractor can recover anticipatory profits for work it would have been given under an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contract had the government not hindered the contractor's ability to perform. In Ardco, the U.S. Forest Service awarded multiple ID/IQs based upon geographical locations for the services of aircraft to assist in fighting fires. Under the contract, the contractor was paid a daily amount for keeping an aircraft and crew available for the exclusive use of the government, and a separate amount for flight hours ordered. The contract contained no guaranteed minimum number of flight hours, and contained no assurance that the contractor would receive any flight hours. A few months after the start of the contract, the aircraft became inoperable after being struck by a forklift driven by a Forest Service employee. After the accident, the Forest Service did not terminate the contract. The Forest Service continued to pay the contractor the daily rate of $3,177 for having the aircraft on standby for exclusive use of the government, but ordered flight hours for that geographical area from another contractor, presumably one whose aircraft had not been crashed into with a forklift.
机译:在Ardco,Inc.中,AGBCA在决定进行部分简要判决的森林服务动议时,裁定承包商可以收回因无限期交付,不确定数量(ID / IQ)合同而应获得的工作预期利润。政府没有阻碍承包商的履约能力。在Ardco,美国森林服务局根据地理位置为飞机提供了多个ID / IQ,以协助飞机灭火。根据合同,向承包商收取的每日费用是使飞机和机组人员可以专供政府使用,另外还为订购的飞行小时支付了费用。合同没有保证的最小飞行小时数,也没有保证承包商将获得任何飞行小时。合同开始后的几个月,飞机被林业服务部门雇员驾驶的叉车撞毁,飞机无法操作。事故发生后,林务局没有终止合同。森林事务处继续向承包商支付每日3,177美元的费用,以让其在政府专用的状态下待命,但又向另一承包商订购了该地理区域的飞行时间,该承包商的飞机可能没有被铲车撞毁。



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