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I'll Remember 2008 For...


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I'll remember not being able to take my eyes off the TV this autumn, as global financial collapse and the nationalisation of our banks reversed all economic certainties. It was mesmerising and, like the recession of the early 1990s, seems certain to determine our architectural activities for years to come. I'll remember 2008 as the year Boris Johnson was elected as Mayor of London, and the shift in social, spatial and transport policies this will bring about. A focus on London's edges and suburbs will open up new opportunities, but a tunnel under Park Lane and putting spending on parks in deprived areas up for public vote seem at odds with what we need to enjoy living in a complex city.
机译:我会记住,今年秋天我无法将视线从电视上移开,因为全球金融崩溃和银行的国有化改变了所有的经济确定性。它令人着迷,就像1990年代初期的衰退一样,似乎可以确定我们今后几年的建筑活动。我记得2008年是鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)当选伦敦市市长的那年,而这将带来社会,空间和交通政策的转变。专注于伦敦的边缘和郊区会带来新的机会,但是在公园巷下方的隧道和将贫困地区的公园支出用于公众投票似乎与我们在一个复杂城市中生活所需要的相矛盾。



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