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Understanding behavioural intention to use information technology: Insights from humanitarian practitioners


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The contemporary research in the area of individual technology adoption mainly focuses on commercial supply chains. However, limited research focuses on the context of humanitarian supply chains. This calls to develop structural models that can scrutinize the technology adoption behaviour of the users in the humanitarian context. Therefore, this study is an attempt to empirically examine the technology adoption behaviour of humanitarian organizations. It extends the unified theory of the acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model by integrating personal innovativeness and trust in technology with the behavioural intention to adopt technology in the humanitarian context. Data from 192 humanitarian practitioners, who have experienced a large number of disasters, is utilized to empirically validate the conceptual model. The structural equation modelling results show that - out of four constructs namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions under UTAUT - performance expectancy and effort expectancy significantly affect the IT adoption. Contrary to expectations, trust and personal innovation do not affect the behavioural intention. Also, personal innovation does not moderate the relationship between performance expectancy and effort expectancy. This underlines the need to foster a learning culture within these organizations. The efforts made by involved humanitarian organizations may be directed towards improving the level of education, skills and facilitating them with other resources such as appropriate IT and data mining training, so that the technology adoption becomes an integral part of their daily activities. Finally, detailed implications for humanitarian organizations are discussed. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:在个别技术采用领域的当代研究主要集中在商业供应链上。但是,有限的研究集中在人道主义供应链的背景上。这就要求开发结构模型,以审查人道主义背景下用户的技术采用行为。因此,这项研究是试图从经验上检验人道主义组织的技术采用行为。它通过将个人创新和对技术的信任与在人道主义环境中采用技术的行为意图相结合,扩展了技术接受和使用(UTAUT)模型的统一理论。来自192名经历了许多灾难的人道主义从业者的数据被用来凭经验验证概念模型。结构方程建模结果表明-在UTAUT下的四种预期绩效,预期工作量,社会影响力和促进条件中,预期绩效和预期工作量显着影响IT的采用。与期望相反,信任和个人创新不会影响行为意图。此外,个人创新并不能缓解预期绩效与预期工作量之间的关系。这突显了在这些组织内培养学习文化的必要性。参与的人道主义组织所做的努力可能旨在提高教育水平,技能水平,并通过其他资源(例如适当的IT和数据挖掘培训)为他们提供便利,从而使技术采用成为其日常活动的组成部分。最后,讨论了对人道主义组织的详细影响。 (C)2017由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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