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Scaled-down DSL and subsidies combine for rural broadband


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UK incumbent BT has embarked on trials of "mini-DSLAMs", scaled-down versions of standard ADSL equipment, to provision rural communities from exchanges where it would otherwise not be commercially viable to do so. The trials, which BT says could provide a blueprint for further rural broadband deployments, are due to conclude at the end of July and are being conducted at eight exchanges: two in Scotland, two in Wales, three in England and one in Northern Ireland. BT has committed more than £1 million (EUD 1.50 million) to the project, called Exchange Activate. Economic-development agencies or local councils are also contributing to the trial costs in each of the deployment areas. Brendan Dick, general manager at BT Scotland, says the business model involves enabling an exchange for £55,000 and selling wholesale capacity to an ISP. The £55,000 will provision 30 lines and cover set-up and operating costs for the first three years.
机译:英国现任英国电信已开始对标准ADSL设备的缩小版本“微型DSLAM”进行试验,以向农村社区提供交换机,否则将无法在商业上这样做。英国电信表示,这些试验可以为进一步农村宽带部署提供蓝图,试验将于7月底结束,并在八个交易所进行:两个在苏格兰,两个在威尔士,三个在英格兰和一个在北爱尔兰。英国电信已为该项目投入了超过100万英镑(合150万欧元),称为Exchange Activate。经济发展机构或地方理事会也为每个部署区域的试验费用作出了贡献。英国电信苏格兰公司总经理Brendan Dick表示,这种商业模式涉及以5.5万英镑的价格进行交易,并将批发能力卖给ISP。 55,000英镑的费用将提供30条线,并涵盖前三年的设置和运营成本。



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