首页> 外文期刊>Tectonics >Geodynamic significance of the Aeolian volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) in light of structural, seismological, and geochemical data

Geodynamic significance of the Aeolian volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) in light of structural, seismological, and geochemical data


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The Aeolian volcanoes are located between the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea back arc and the Calabrian Arc forearc region. Structural, geochemical and seismological data indicate that the early phases of volcanic activity (1.3 Myr) developed in the western sector along WNW-ESE tear faults controlling the southeastward migration of the forearc-back arc system. This magmatism ceased when delamination processes affected the Calabrian Arc. At 0.8 Myr, the volcanism migrated southeastward and concentrated on the "new" formed NNW-SSE tear faults related to the postsubduction extensional strain. The compressive strain deduced by focal mechanism of earthquakes in the western sector explains the volcanism ending. The still active volcanism in the central and eastern sectors develops on a NNW-SSE striking lithospheric discontinuity that crosses the ring-shaped volcanic belt. Moho upwelling occurs in the area of active volcanism. Fault-slip data and focal mechanisms from M > 5 earthquakes indicate that the NNW-SSE discontinuity moves in response to an oblique (strike-slipormal) stress related to a WNW-ESE extension. This direction of extension is consistent with that of the forearc region, where thrust-type events are lacking and the last compressive phases occurred during Pliocene. The later phases of the Aeolian volcanism are related to the melting of shallower source(s) consistent with a continental rift magmatism. The Aeolian Islands represent a postcollisional, rift-type volcanism emplaced in an older collision zone.
机译:风神火山位于第勒尼安海南部后弧和卡拉布里亚弧前臂地区之间。结构,地球化学和地震学数据表明,火山活动的早期阶段(1.3 Myr)在西部地区沿着WNW-ESE撕裂断层发育,控制着前弧-后弧系统的东南移。当分层过程影响了卡拉布里亚弧时,这种岩浆作用就停止了。在0.8 Myr时,火山向东南迁移,并集中在与俯冲后延伸应变有关的“新”形成的NNW-SSE撕裂断层上。西部地震的震源机制推导出的压应变解释了火山作用的终结。中部和东部地区仍然活跃的火山活动是在穿越环状火山带的岩石圈不连续NNW-SSE上形成的。莫霍面上升流发生在活跃的火山活动区。来自M> 5地震的断层滑动数据和震源机制表明,NNW-SSE的不连续性是响应与WNW-ESE扩展有关的斜向(走滑/法向)应力而移动的。该伸展方向与前陆区域的伸展方向一致,前陆区域缺少推力型事件,最后的压缩相发生于上新世。风成火山作用的后期与大陆裂谷岩浆作用相一致的浅源融化有关。风神群岛代表了碰撞后的裂谷型火山,位于较旧的碰撞带中。



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