首页> 外文期刊>Team Performance Management >Employee empowerment and team performance: Autonomy, responsibility, information,and creativity

Employee empowerment and team performance: Autonomy, responsibility, information,and creativity


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of employee empowerment on teamrnperformance in the context of municipal work teams. Four different dimensions of employeernempowerment are identified: autonomy, responsibility, information, and creativity.rnDesign/methodology/approach - Using a survey of 176 US municipal government employees,rnthis study conducted an OLS multiple regression analysis. The study regressed the dependentrnvariable, team performance, on the four independent variables: autonomy, responsibility, information,rnand creativity.rnFindings - The regression analysis provided empirical evidence in support of the four hypothesesrnproposed in this study. The study reveals that autonomy, responsibility, information, and creativityrneach have positive and significant effects on team performance.rnPractical implications - The study suggests that employee empowerment programs shouldrnconsider different dimensions of empowerment. At least, managers need to keep in mind the fourrndimensions of empowerment discussed in this research. Understanding different dimensions ofrnempowerment will enable managers to design and implement a successful empowermentrnprogram.rnOriginality/value - Prior research focused on developing conceptual models of the multiplerndimensions of empowerment. This paper took one step further and provided empirical evidence.



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