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Enquiring into Skills Development with SSM: A South African Experience


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Since the first democratic elections in 1994, vocational education and training (VET) in South Africa has undergone major changes in order to equip the country to enhance its skills base, and to face post apartheid and globalization challenges. Part of the change has involved the adoption (by some players) of 'Mode 2' ideas of knowledge production as suggested by Gibbons and those studying the sociology of knowledge in modern societies. Mode 2 production is trans-disciplinary and uses socially accountable forms to generate scientific knowledge in contrast to 'Mode 1' which is mainly based on single scientific disciplines and knowledge generation by the scholarly community. The objective of this adoption in the South African context is to enable a variety of stakeholders to be involved both in enhancing research in South Africa and responding to the needs of different economic sectors. However, the dynamics of stakeholder interaction can be complex. In this paper, we report on a skills capacity building intervention involving the application of Systems Thinking approaches and methodologies in a South African setting. Our intervention was informed by the use of soft systems methodology (SSM) as a means of assisting different groups of researchers firstly to share their perceptions about research in the skills development context, and secondly to collaborate together in generating suggestions for improvements. A key objective was to improve the interactions between researchers and other stakeholders in the organization of skills development research projects. The use of SSM methodology enabled us to 'qualify' the nature of these interactions. It also gave us clues about particular issues (e.g. power) that need to be tackled to improve capacity building in this area.
机译:自1994年第一次民主选举以来,南非的职业教育和培训(VET)发生了重大变化,以使该国有能力增强其技能基础,并面对种族隔离后和全球化的挑战。改变的一部分涉及到(某些参与者)采纳了吉本斯(Gibbons)和研究现代社会知识社会学的人所提出的“模式2”知识生产的思想。模式2的产生是跨学科的,并且使用社会责任形式来产生科学知识,而“模式1”则主要基于单一的科学学科和学术界的知识产生。在南非范围内采用这种方法的目的是使各种利益相关者能够参与加强南非的研究并满足不同经济部门的需求。但是,利益相关者互动的动态可能很复杂。在本文中,我们报告了一项技能能力建设干预措施,其中涉及在南非环境中应用系统思维方法和方法。我们的干预是通过使用软系统方法学(SSM)来进行的,该方法是协助不同研究人员群体的一种方法,首先是在技能发展背景下分享他们对研究的看法,其次是共同协作以提出改进建议。一个关键目标是在技能开发研究项目的组织中改善研究人员与其他利益相关者之间的互动。 SSM方法论的使用使我们能够“限定”这些交互的性质。它还为我们提供了一些特定问题(例如电源)的线索,这些问题需要解决以改善该领域的能力建设。



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