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Educating and Empowering Children for Governing in the Anthropocene: A Case Study of Children's Homes in Sri Lanka


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Educating children and young people on how to care for the environment is the focus of this paper. Today's children will encounter the adverse effects of global population growth and subsequent pollution by adults at the expense of the environment. Thus, it is important to draw children's attention to carbon footprints and climatic changes. Through participation, they will have opportunities to learn more about the implications of the way we choose to live our lives in the short, medium, and long terms. Children learn about their rights and responsibilities by being given the opportunity to express their ideas and to translate policy into practice through small-scale interventions that make a difference to this generation and succeeding ones. Such interventions can include lessons on recycling, use, and reuse of resources, composting, organic and ethical farming, water and energy conservation techniques, and much more. The essence of this paper has been extracted from my Participatory Action Research (PAR) on the life chances of young children in voluntary children's homes in Sri Lanka. This PAR largely employs qualitative investigations to manipulate the information collected during the study in order to assess and evaluate the findings. During the PAR, it was identified that some children's homes have initiated a few enhanced ecosystem governance practices that redress problems associated with the worst aspects of industrialization. These practices promote the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature and have adopted the concerns of critical systemic thinking with consequent improvement of human well-being and ecosystem health. The potential of these homes to provide education for these vulnerable children by improving their ability to deliver stewardship responsibilities towards the environment should never be underestimated. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:对儿童和年轻人进行有关如何保护环境的教育是本文的重点。今天的儿童将遭受全球人口增长的不利影响,并随后以成年人为代价,以牺牲环境为代价。因此,重要的是使孩子们注意碳足迹和气候变化。通过参与,他们将有机会更多地了解我们选择短期,中期和长期生活的方式的含义。通过让儿童有机会表达自己的想法并将政策通过一些对后代和后代产生影响的小规模干预措施付诸实践,可以了解他们的权利和责任。此类干预措施可以包括关于资源的回收,利用和再利用,堆肥,有机和符合道德的耕作,节水和节能技术等方面的经验教训。本文的实质摘自我的参与式行动研究(PAR),其中涉及斯里兰卡自愿儿童之家中年幼儿童的生活机会。该PAR主要采用定性研究来操纵研究期间收集的信息,以评估和评估结果。在PAR期间,人们发现一些儿童之家已经启动了一些增强的生态系统治理实践,以解决与工业化最严重方面相关的问题。这些做法促进了人类与自然的和谐共处,并采纳了批判性系统思维的关注,从而改善了人类的福祉和生态系统的健康。这些房屋通过提高对环境承担管理责任的能力来为这些脆弱儿童提供教育的潜力绝不可低估。版权所有(c)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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