首页> 外文期刊>システム/制御/情報 >ユニバーサルロボットハンドによる回転操作中の形状識別: DPマッチングを用いた対象物の局所形状識別

ユニバーサルロボットハンドによる回転操作中の形状識別: DPマッチングを用いた対象物の局所形状識別


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触覚は視覚や聴覚と異なり,対象に直接的に接触し主rnに機械的変形を介することで外界の情報を得る.特に人rn間の手は,把持もしくは接触から形状,テクスチャ,硬rnさなどの多くの情報を得ることができ[1,2],これらの情rn報を活用することで対象物を器用に操ることができる.rn一方,現在稼働する産業用ロボットの多くは,タスクのrn対象を既知としており,動作ごとに対象物の情報を得るrnような運用はなされていない.%We propose a method of shape classification in rotating manipulation by a multi-fingered robot hand. A multi-fingered robot hand understands position and posture of a object and can realize suitable manipulations by classifying a shape of contact surface in rotating manipulation. Our method uses pressure distributed sensors equipped in fingers and consists of the following three processes. First, periodic pressure distributions are measured by a pressure distributed sensor in rotating manipulation. A kurtosis is calculated from each pressure distribution and can quantify a shape of contact surface in the moment. Secondly, a kurtosis pattern is cut out from a periodic kurtosis. Finally, a degree of similarity calculates between a kurtosis pattern and a reference pattern by DP matching method and classifies the shape of contact surface using thresholds. We confirm that our method classifies three objects with a high degree of accuracy and can keep the classification rate even in changing rotation velocity through laboratory experiments.



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