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Eine “kantianische utopie” in Russland: Erich Solov’ëv

机译:俄罗斯的“康提乌托邦”:埃里希·索洛夫(Erich Solov’ëv)

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A Kantian Utopia in Russia: Erikh Solov’ëv. The article deals with Erikh Solov’ëv (b. 1934), a historian of philosophy who is one of the best Soviet and post-Soviet exponents of Kant. In several of his works and articles, published in the 1990s, Solov’ëv has attempted to apply the ideas of Kant’s social philosophy to post-Soviet realities. Kant is important above all as a theoretician of a free subjectivity, human rights, and a critic of paternalism in social life. Several Kantian motives came to the fore during the perestrojka when the Marxist “class approach” was abandoned and “all-human” values (obščečelovečeskie tsennosti) entered into the discussion. Later, Solov’ëv attempted to develop Kantian guidelines for a post-Soviet society, including moral norms for businessmen in the new Russia, but these attempts bore the distinct hallmark of social utopianism.
机译:俄罗斯的康德乌托邦:埃里克·索洛夫(Erikh Solov’ëv)。本文涉及哲学史学家埃里克·索洛夫(Erikh Solov’v)(生于1934年),他是康德时期苏维埃和后苏联时期最好的代表之一。在1990年代发表的几篇作品和文章中,索洛夫(Solov’ëv)试图将康德的社会哲学思想运用到后苏联现实中。康德首先是关于自由主观性,人权和社会生活中家长式批评家的理论家,这一点很重要。在Perestrojka期间,当马克思主义的“阶级方法”被抛弃,而“全人类”的价值观(obščečelovečeskietsennosti)进入讨论时,康德的一些动机就浮出水面了。后来,索洛夫(Solov’ëv)尝试为后苏联社会制定康德准则,包括新俄罗斯商人的道德规范,但这些尝试带有社会乌托邦主义的鲜明特征。



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