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Reliability sensitivity estimation with sequential importance sampling


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In applications of reliability analysis, the sensitivity of the probability of failure to design parameters is often crucial for decision-making. A common sensitivity measure is the partial derivative of the probability of failure with respect to the design parameter. If the design parameter enters the definition of the reliability problem through the limit-state function, i.e. the function defining the failure event, then the partial derivative is given by a surface integral over the limit-state surface. Direct application of standard Monte Carlo methods for estimation of surface integrals is not possible. To circumvent this difficulty, an approximation of the surface integral in terms of a domain integral has been proposed by the authors. In this paper, we propose estimation of the domain integral through application of a method termed sequential importance sampling (SIS). The basic idea of SIS is to gradually translate samples from the distribution of the random variables to samples from an approximately optimal importance sampling density. The transition of the samples is defined through the construction of a sequence of intermediate distributions, which are sampled through application of a resample-move scheme. We demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed method in estimating reliability sensitivities to both distribution and limit-state parameters with numerical examples.
机译:在可靠性分析的应用中,失败概率对设计参数的敏感性通常对于决策至关重要。常见的灵敏度度量是相对于设计参数的失效概率的偏导数。如果设计参数通过极限状态函数(即定义故障事件的函数)输入了可靠性问题的定义,则偏导数由极限状态表面上的表面积分给出。无法直接应用标准的蒙特卡洛方法来估计表面积分。为了克服这个困难,作者已经提出了以区域积分表示表面积分的近似方法。在本文中,我们提出通过应用称为顺序重要性抽样(SIS)的方法来估计域积分。 SIS的基本思想是将样本从随机变量的分布逐渐转换为近似最佳重要性抽样密度的样本。样本的过渡是通过构造一系列中间分布来定义的,这些中间分布是通过应用重采样移动方案进行采样的。我们通过数值示例证明了该方法在估计对分布和极限状态参数的可靠性时的有效性。



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