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Appraising the performance of performance appraisals


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As a ritual of corporate America, the days of the annualnperformance review may be numbered, thanks to managers and employeesnwho've suffered through too many of them. They're the impetus behind andeveloping trend among US corporations to explore alternatives. Thatntrend could have significant implications for employees across thenglobe, particularly in Japan, where an increasing number of firms arenadopting, with varying degrees of success, the very sort ofnpay-for-performance systems that US companies are consideringnabandoning. In theory, of course, appraisals do more good than harm.nThey are intended to furnish valuable feedback to both employee andnorganization. But, say human resources experts, the so called objectivencriteria used to assess workers are flawed metrics. This is especiallyntrue when it comes to judging engineers and other professionals, whontoday often work not as individuals, but as members of teams on projectsnof variable duration. This paper discusses the drawbacks to appraisalsnand suggests that appraisals try to do too much. Alternatives tonpay-for-performance are discussed focusing on better use of feedback andna clearer career ladder
机译:作为美国公司的一种惯例,每年的绩效评估的日子可能会很长,这要归功于经理和员工,他们经历了太多的痛苦。它们是美国公司不断探索替代方案的趋势背后的推动力。 Thatntrend可能会对整个全球的员工产生重大影响,尤其是在日本,在日本,越来越多的公司开始采用美国公司正在考虑放弃的那种按绩效付费的绩效薪酬制度,并取得了不同程度的成功。从理论上讲,评估当然比弊大于利。n评估旨在为员工和组织提供宝贵的反馈。但是,人力资源专家说,用来评估工人的所谓客观标准是有缺陷的指标。在评判工程师和其他专业人员时尤其如此,他们今天通常不是以个人的身份工作,而是以团队成员的身份从事可变期限的项目。本文讨论了评估的弊端,并提出评估尝试做的太多。讨论了以绩效为目的的薪酬替代方案,重点在于更好地利用反馈和更清晰的职业阶梯



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