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Thugs, Black Divas, and Gendered Aspirations


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This essay presents ethnographic data from more than five years of fieldwork at the Fresh Start shelter and among African-American young women living in greater Detroit to contextualize an analysis of how the sexual identities of low-income women of color are framed by the racialized and class-based expectations of nonprofit community organizations, the welfare system, and vocational-training programs. Young black women living in postindustrial Detroit must navigate these overlapping social service networks on a daily basis and, in the process, discover the most efficacious strategies for achieving social and economic mobility. However, in the context of the Fresh Start shelter and other youth assistance programs, young women rework and disrupt identity categories in ways that demonstrate their sophistication in subverting the race and gender hierarchies that threaten their potential success. In claiming ownership of their ability to define and continually redefine their sexual identities, while staging performances of self in public and private spaces, young black women reveal their understanding of gender and its expression as inherently dynamic and unstable.
机译:本文介绍了来自Fresh Start庇护所五年以上实地调查的人种学数据,以及居住在底特律较大地区的非洲裔美国年轻女性的背景数据,以分析在种族背景下如何区分有色低收入女性的性身份。非营利性社区组织,福利系统和职业培训计划对职业的期望。生活在底特律后工业区的年轻黑人妇女必须每天在这些重叠的社会服务网络中导航,并在此过程中发现实现社会和经济流动的最有效策略。但是,在“新起点住房”和其他青年援助计划的背景下,年轻妇女以表明自己在颠覆种族和性别等级制度方面的复杂性的方式进行返工和破坏身份类别,这威胁着她们的潜在成功。年轻的黑人妇女声称拥有定义和不断重新定义其性身份的能力的所有权,同时在公共场所和私人场所上演了自我表演,这表明黑人女性对性别及其表现为内在的动荡和不稳定的理解。



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