首页> 外文期刊>Sophia >An Ontological Critique of the Trans-Ontology of Enrique Dussel

An Ontological Critique of the Trans-Ontology of Enrique Dussel


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Enrique Dussel has developed a sweeping philosophical critique of the eurocentricity of Western habits of thought and action, with the aim of articulating an ‘ethics of liberation’ that takes the part distinctively of ‘the victims’ of the world system. The heart of Dussel’s effort is an ostensibly new method, ‘analectic’ or ‘anadialectic,’ which comes about through the ‘revelation’ of the other, and goes beyond the self-enclosure that, Dussel asserts, typifies dialectic in Western ontology. Thus, he takes his position to have gone beyond ontology: it is a trans-ontology, a genuine meta-physics. I question whether analectic does go beyond Western thinking of being, and propose an ontological critique that is classically Western or, as I would prefer to say, historically Western yet (along with its analogues in other philosophical traditions) classically relevant even in our ‘age of globalization and exclusion.’
机译:恩里克·杜塞尔(Enrique Dussel)对西方思想和行动习惯以欧洲为中心进行了广泛的哲学批判,目的是阐明一种“解放伦理”,这种伦理是世界体系“受害者”的独特组成部分。杜塞尔努力的核心是表面上的一种新方法,即“ analectic”或“ analecticic”,它是通过另一方的“启示”而产生的,超越了杜塞尔断言的自我封闭,它是西方本体论中辩证法的典型代表。因此,他采取了超越本体的立场:这是一种跨本体论,一种真正的形而上学。我质疑论语是否确实超越了西方的存在思想,并提出了一种古典西方的本体论批评,或者我想说的是历史西方的(连同其在其他哲学传统中的类似物)古典批评,甚至在我们的“时代”全球化和排斥。



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