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Is the focus on health-related behaviours a new phenomenon?


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In his article 'Origins of the Problem of Health-related Behaviours: A Genealogical Study', David Armstrong claims that the idea about 'changeable behaviour is a relatively recent phenomenon'. In this paper it is argued that this conclusion is not valid. One concern is whether his sources sufficiently document the ideas. Another concern is whether David Armstrong overlooked the focus on health-promoting and health-damaging behaviours by including an insufficient number of words or terms in his search criteria. In this paper it is demonstrated that health-related behaviours have been a concern for doctors throughout history. It is not new as David Armstrong and proponents of the New Public Health claim.
机译:大卫·阿姆斯特朗(David Armstrong)在他的文章“健康相关行为问题的起源:家谱研究”中声称,“行为改变是一种相对较新的现象”。本文认为该结论无效。一个令人关注的问题是他的消息来源是否足以证明这些想法。另一个令人担忧的问题是,大卫·阿姆斯特朗(David Armstrong)是否在搜索条件中添加了数量不足的单词或术语,从而忽视了对促进健康和破坏健康行为的关注。在本文中,证明了与健康相关的行为一直以来都是医生关注的问题。正如大卫·阿姆斯特朗(David Armstrong)和新公共卫生的支持者所说,这并不是什么新鲜事物。



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