首页> 外文期刊>Signal Processing, IET >Separation of undersampled composite signals using the Dantzig selector with overcomplete dictionaries

Separation of undersampled composite signals using the Dantzig selector with overcomplete dictionaries


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In many applications, one may acquire a composition of several signals that may be corrupted by noise, and it is a challenging problem to reliably separate the components from one another without sacrificing significant details. Adding to the challenge, in a compressive sensing framework, one is given only an undersampled set of linear projections of the composite signal. In this study, the authors propose using the Dantzig selector model incorporating an overcomplete dictionary to separate a noisy undersampled collection of composite signals, and present an algorithm to efficiently solve the model. The Dantzig selector is a statistical approach to finding a solution to a noisy linear regression problem by minimising the ℓ norm of candidate coefficient vectors while constraining the scope of the residuals. The Dantzig selector performs well in the recovery and separation of an unknown composite signal when the underlying coefficient vector is sparse. They propose a proximity operator-based algorithm to recover and separate unknown noisy undersampled composite signals using the Dantzig selector. They present numerical simulations comparing the proposed algorithm with the competing alternating direction method, and the proposed algorithm is found to be faster, while producing similar quality results. In addition, they demonstrate the utility of the proposed algorithm by applying it in various applications including the recovery of complex-valued coefficient vectors, the removal of impulse noise from smooth signals, and the separation and classification of a composition of handwritten digits.
机译:在许多应用中,人们可能会获取可能被噪声破坏的几个信号的组合,这是一个具有挑战性的问题,要在不牺牲重要细节的情况下可靠地将组件彼此分离。更具挑战性的是,在压缩感测框架中,仅给复合信号的一组欠采样线性投影。在这项研究中,作者建议使用结合了超完备字典的Dantzig选择器模型来分离复合信号的嘈杂欠采样集合,并提出一种有效求解模型的算法。 Dantzig选择器是一种统计方法,可通过在限制残差范围的同时使候选系数向量的ℓ范数最小化来找到有噪声的线性回归问题的解决方案。当基础系数矢量稀疏时,Dantzig选择器在未知复合信号的恢复和分离中表现良好。他们提出了一种基于接近算子的算法,以使用Dantzig选择器恢复和分离未知的噪声欠采样的复合信号。他们提供了数值模拟,将所提出的算法与竞争性交替方向方法进行了比较,发现所提出的算法速度更快,同时产生了相似的质量结果。此外,他们通过将其应用到各种应用中(包括复数值系数向量的恢复,从平滑信号中去除脉冲噪声以及手写数字组成的分离和分类)证明了该算法的实用性。



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