首页> 外文期刊>SIGCSE bulletin >Game Programming in Introductory Courses with Direct State Manipulation

Game Programming in Introductory Courses with Direct State Manipulation


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While the introduction of object-oriented programming slowly moves down the age groups - starting from advanced university courses, to introductory courses, and now into high schools -many attempts are being made to make object-oriented programming introduction less abstract and theoretical. Visualisation and interaction techniques are being applied in an attempt to give students engaging and concrete experiences with objects. Recently, the greenfoot environment has been proposed as another step in this development. In this paper, we describe new functionality in the greenfoot environment, especially the addition of user interaction programming via direct state manipulation. Direct state manipulation provides very low overhead graphical I/O handling at a level that makes it feasible to guide students to simple graphical game programming within a few weeks, while concentrating on fundamental object-oriented concepts in the structure of the program.
机译:虽然面向对象程序设计的引入逐步降低了年龄组-从高等大学课程开始,到入门课程,再到现在进入高中,但人们正在进行许多尝试,以减少面向对象程序设计的引入的抽象性和理论性。可视化和交互技术正在应用中,旨在为学生提供有关物体的引人入胜的具体体验。最近,绿脚环境已经被提出作为该发展的又一步。在本文中,我们描述了绿脚环境中的新功能,特别是通过直接状态操纵添加了用户交互编程。直接状态操纵提供了非常低的开销的图形I / O处理,可以在几周内指导学生进行简单的图形游戏编程,同时集中精力在程序结构中基本的面向对象的概念。



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