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Gender, Self-Objectification and Pubic Hair Removal


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Pubic hair removal is common in college age men and women in the United States and Australia. The present research addresses two questions related to this practice: (1) Are objectification and body shape concerns related to pubic hair removal; and (2) Do these relationships differ by gender? U.S. undergraduates, 148 women and 76 men, completed questionnaires about the presence, frequency of, and reasons for pubic hair removal; self-objectification, including self-surveillance and body shame; self-consciousness in sexual situations; and drives for leanness, thinness, and muscularity. While both genders reported similar rates of pubic hair removal, women reported greater frequency and higher normative, sexiness, and cleanliness reasons for pubic hair removal. Normative and sexiness reasons were positively correlated with self-surveillance. The relationships among normative and sexiness reasons and self-objectification were significantly higher for women with women’s body shame and self-surveillance scores more strongly impacted by normative and sexiness reasons. Findings are interpreted within the framework of objectification theory.
机译:在美国和澳大利亚,耻骨脱毛在大学时代的男性和女性中很普遍。本研究解决了与该实践有关的两个问题:(1)与耻骨脱毛有关的客观性和身体形状方面的关注吗? (2)这些关系在性别方面是否有所不同?美国大学生(148名女性和76名男性)完成了有关脱毛的存在,频率和原因的问卷调查;自我目标化,包括自我监视和身体羞辱;性生活中的自我意识;并推动瘦,瘦和肌肉发达。尽管两性都报告了相似的阴毛去除率,但是女性报告了阴毛去除的频率更高,规范,性感和清洁度更高的原因。规范和性别原因与自我监测呈正相关。对于具有身体羞耻感的女性而言,规范和性别原因与自我目标之间的关系要高得多,而自我监视分数受规范和性别原因的影响更大。在客观化理论的框架内解释发现。



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