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Absorptive Capacity: A Proposed Framework for Strengthening the Business Case for Diversity


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Cohen and Levinthal (1990) conceptualize "absorptive capacity" as a limit to the quantity of scientific or technological information that a firm can absorb or the rate at which this information can be absorbed. They define it as a firm's ability to recognize the value of new external information, assimilate that information, and apply it to create new products for existing or new markets. Central to their concept of absorptive capacity is investment in research and development (R&D). They rationalize that the more a firm invests in R&D the more it will be able to fully appreciate the value of new information. And the more the value of new information is appreciated, the easier it is to assimilate and apply it to the development of new products.
机译:Cohen and Levinthal(1990)将“吸收能力”概念化为对企业可以吸收的科学或技术信息的数量或信息吸收率的限制。他们将其定义为公司识别新外部信息的价值,吸收这些信息并将其应用于为现有或新市场创建新产品的能力。其吸收能力概念的核心是对研发的投资。他们认为,公司在研发方面投入的资金越多,就能越充分地理解新信息的价值。而且,对新信息的价值了解越多,就越容易吸收和应用新信息。



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