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Commentary on the Endocrine Society Practice Guidelines: Consequences of adjustment of antihypertensive medication in screening of primary aldosteronism


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The Endocrine Society guidelines suggest to screen patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) free of hypertensive medications or alternatively to switch to drugs known to have minimal influence on the aldosterone to renin ratio (ARR). We retrospectively investigated the impact of such strategy on clinical outcome. 25 patients with PA and 25 with essential hypertension (EH) were studied. Initially all subjects were evaluated biochemically and received if possible an adjustment of their medication following the guidlines. Mineralocorticoid antagonists were discontinued in all subjects. Only 26 of 50 patients could be studied under optimal conditions (drug free or on medication with minimal influence on ARR) whereas the remaining 24 subjects had to receive additional drugs (such as ACE inhibitor, angiotensin-2 receptor blocker, or betablockers) because of initial blood pressure or comorbidities. Every fifth patient with a switch of the medication experienced a significant increase in blood pressure. 13 of 25 of PA patients needed potassium supplementation (105+/−25 mEq per day; range 8–320 mEq). Nine of these patients remained hypokalemic despite substitution (serum K 2.82+/−0.07 mmol/l), with 7 classified severely hypokalemic (<.3.0). We observed 6 serious adverse events requiring hospitalization including hypertensive crisis (n = 3), atrial fibrillation (n = 1), heart failure (n = 1) and ICD triggered electric shock (n = 1). In conclusion, in our experience the adjustment of the antihypertensive treatment during screening for PA is only possible in approximately half of patients and can cause severe side effect. Such recommendation, therefore, must include a note of caution because of possibly deleterious side effects.
机译:内分泌学会指南建议筛查无高血压药物的原发性醛固酮增多症(PA)患者,或改用已知对醛固酮与肾素比率(ARR)影响最小的药物。我们回顾性研究了这种策略对临床结果的影响。研究了25例PA和25例原发性高血压(EH)。最初,对所有受试者进行生化评估,并在可能的情况下按照指导接受药物调整。所有受试者均停用盐皮质激素拮抗剂。在最佳条件下(无药物或对ARR影响最小的药物),只能研究50名患者中的26名,而其余24名受试者由于以下原因必须接受其他药物(例如ACE抑制剂,血管紧张素2受体阻滞剂或β受体阻滞剂)初始血压或合并症。每五名换药的患者血压会明显升高。 25位PA患者中有13位需要补充钾(每天105 +/- 25 mEq;范围为8-320 mEq)。这些患者中有9例尽管发生了置换但仍保持低钾血症(血清K 2.82 +/- 0.07 mmol / l),其中7例属于严重低钾血症(<.3.0)。我们观察到需要住院治疗的6种严重不良事件,包括高血压危象(n = 3),房颤(n = 1),心力衰竭(n = 1)和ICD触发的电击(n = 1)。总而言之,根据我们的经验,仅在大约一半的患者中可能会在PA筛查期间调整降压治疗,并且可能导致严重的副作用。因此,由于可能产生有害的副作用,因此该建议必须包含注意事项。



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