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Suffolk Artists of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries


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This work is the companion volume to the author's Art and Artists of the Norwich School (Walpole, 1997), although, as the author points out in her introduction, there was no Suffolk School in the sense of the Norwich School or the earlier Continental Schools. Suffolk artists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries worked as individuals with no connection between one another in the artisticrnsense. Josephine Walpole has tried to restrict herself to those artists who were actually born in Suffolk, but she has allowed six "immigrants" who made the county their artistic home. They are Anna Airy, Sir Cedric Morris, Rowland Fisher, Edmund Lawrence van Someren, Harry Becker and Audrey Perm, who, being born in 1896 barely qualifies by date. Ms Walpole has also chosen to write relatively briefly about John Constable since there is so much material available about him already.
机译:这本书是作者《诺里奇学校的艺术与艺术家》(沃尔波尔,1997年)的随书,尽管正如作者在介绍中所指出的那样,从诺里奇学校或更早的大陆学校的意义上说,没有萨福克学校。 。 18世纪和19世纪的萨福克艺术家是个人,在艺术意义上彼此之间没有联系。约瑟芬·沃波尔(Josephine Walpole)试图将自己限制在实际上出生于萨福克(Suffolk)的那些艺术家中,但她允许六名“移民”将萨默克郡作为其艺术住所。他们是安娜·艾里(Anna Airy),塞德里克·莫里斯(Cedric Morris)爵士,罗兰·费舍尔(Rowland Fisher),埃德蒙·劳伦斯·范·萨默伦(Edmund Lawrence van Someren),哈里·贝克尔(Harry Becker)和奥黛丽·彼尔姆(Audrey Perm),他们出生于1896年,几乎没有资格。 Walpole女士还选择相对简短地写有关John Constable的文章,因为有关他的资料已经很多。



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