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Vocabulary.com: The Dictionary


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Vocabulary.com's Dictionary is a website offering word definitions, etymologies, usage examples, pronunciations and vocabulary quizzes to help users learn English words. The dictionary is a portion of a suite of pages/services of Vocabulary.com, but this review will cover exclusively the dictionary. The homepage is clean and blessedly unflashy in visual presentation, the typefaces are consistent and appropriate in size and readable; the information architecture is readily discoverable and user-friendly. The site's tagline is that it is the world's "fastest dictionary", a somewhat puzzling claim repeated on other pages. "Fastest" comes from the fact that the site uses some predictive algorithm to "guess" the word of interest as the user types, but the difference in this particular property from other online dictionaries is no doubt miniscule and hardly relevant.
机译:Vocabulary.com的Dictionary是一个网站,提供单词定义,词源,用法示例,发音和词汇测验,以帮助用户学习英语单词。该词典是Vocabulary.com的一组页面/服务的一部分,但本评论将仅涵盖该词典。主页干净整洁,视觉效果十分醒目,字体一致且大小合适且可读;信息体系结构易于发现且易于使用。该网站的口号是它是世界上“最快的词典”,在其他页面上重复出现了一个令人费解的说法。 “最快”来自以下事实:该站点使用某种预测算法来“猜测”用户所关注的单词,但是与其他在线词典相比,该特定属性的差异无疑很小而且几乎不相关。



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