首页> 外文期刊>Reading and Writing >Two-year follow-up of a code-oriented intervention for lower-skilled first-graders: the influence of language status and word reading skills on third-grade literacy outcomes

Two-year follow-up of a code-oriented intervention for lower-skilled first-graders: the influence of language status and word reading skills on third-grade literacy outcomes


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For 2 years we followed lower-performing English learner (EL) and native English speaking (non-EL) students who participated in an efficacy trial of a supplemental first-grade code-oriented intervention implemented by paraeducators. At the end of grade three, across all students (n = 180 of the original 187 students), treatment effects were maintained on word reading (approximate d = .45), spelling (.36) and reading comprehension (.24). However, treatment effects tended to be smaller for EL students, and were significantly smaller for spelling in particular. While pretest grade one word reading did not moderate treatment response for either ELs or non-ELs, it was found to strongly predict all three end-of- grade-three outcomes, although to a lesser extent for ELs on reading comprehension. Findings add support to previous research on the benefits of early code-oriented tutoring.
机译:两年来,我们跟踪了表现较差的英语学习者(EL)和以英语为母语的学生(非EL)参加了由仿生者实施的一项针对一级代码的补充干预的有效性试验。在三年级末,在所有学生中(最初的187名学生中的n = 180),在单词阅读(大约d = .45),拼写(.36)和阅读理解(.24)方面保持了治疗效果。但是,EL学生的治疗效果往往较小,尤其是拼写方面的效果明显较小。尽管预测试的一年级单词阅读并不能减轻EL或非EL的治疗反应,但可以强烈预测所有三个三年级-三年级的结局,尽管对EL的阅读理解程度较低。这些发现为先前关于早期面向代码的辅导的好处的研究提供了支持。



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