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I Am Yourself: Subjectivity and the Collective


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This paper suggests that social and historical forces play an unconscious yet decisive role in our lives. Telling the story of a conversation between Israeli parents about the prospect of their children becoming soldiers, and of an analytic relationship between two Israelis, the paper aims to bring to light a hidden balance of power between family bonds and collective attachments. The paper uses ideas developed by Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Felix Guattari in the field of critical theory to examine the ways in which families function as social agents, that is, as socializing institutions. It suggests that, as a result, in some situations, families may face a conflict of identifications, a dilemma between responsibility to kin and responsibility to the collective. If the dilemma commonly persists unheeded, it becomes painfully evident in extreme situations. Such is the case when parents are asked to allow their children to become soldiers, or when individuals strive to care for themselves against a binding ethics of communal and intergenerational responsibility. The paper examines the effect of the collective trauma underlying the dominant discourse of the Israeli society, and the hypercollectivity of the Israeli Kibbutz, in generating powerful unconscious conflicts that haunt subjective and family life. The paper argues that collective affiliations and consequently, collective politics are inseparable from individual psychology and interpersonal relations. It suggests that, for this reason, political awareness and political exchange can play a crucial, liberating role in the therapeutic relationship, and life in general.
机译:本文认为,社会和历史力量在我们的生活中起着潜意识而决定性的作用。这篇文章讲述了以色列父母之间关于他们的孩子将成为士兵的前景的对话以及两个以色列人之间的分析关系的故事,旨在揭示家庭纽带和集体依恋之间力量之间的隐藏平衡。本文使用了米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault),吉尔斯·德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)和费利克斯·瓜塔里(Felix Guattari)在批判理论领域中提出的思想,研究了家庭作为社会主体(即社会化机构)发挥作用的方式。它表明,结果是,在某些情况下,家庭可能面临身份认同冲突,这是亲属责任与集体责任之间的困境。如果两难困境通常不加理会地持续存在,那么在极端情况下这将变得十分痛苦。在要求父母允许其子女成为士兵的情况下,或者当个人努力维护自己以遵守共同的和代际责任的道德规范时,情况就是这样。本文研究了以色列社会占主导地位的话语背后的集体创伤以及以色列集体庄园的过度集体化在产生困扰主观和家庭生活的强大无意识冲突中的作用。本文认为,集体隶属关系以及集体政治与个人心理和人际关系密不可分。这表明,出于这个原因,政治意识和政治交流可以在治疗关系和整个生命中发挥至关重要的解放作用。



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