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The DoD: stewards of a global information resource, the Navstar global positioning system


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In 1973, the US Department of Defense (DoD) began development of the Navstar global positioning system (GPS) and embarked on a journey that would take radio navigation and positioning to what were then unimagined levels of performance. From its inception, GPS was viewed as a revolutionary technology that would enhance the positioning capability of US and allied military forces throughout the world. The DoD has continued to upgrade and improve all of the components of the system to keep pace with technology advances and the requirements of an ever-expanding user community. The GPS user community includes an increasing number of civil, scientific, and commercial applications, ranging from precision scanning to pinpointing disruptions in electric power distribution networks. However, this dual military and civil aspect of GPS has posed significant challenges for the US government and DoD policy makers. Since the inception of GPS, the DoD has been confronted with the need to balance a wide range of different and sometimes competing national security, civil, foreign policy, commercial and scientific interests. The challenge has been to exploit the full civil utility of the system without jeopoardizing national security interests in the process. This challenge will become even more formidable for military leaders as US and allied forces become increasingly reliant on GPS for all types of military operations, and as the applications of the worldwide civil user community continue to expand.
机译:1973年,美国国防部(DoD)开始开发Navstar全球定位系统(GPS),并踏上了将无线电导航和定位提升到无法想象的性能水平的旅程。从一开始,GPS就被视为一项革命性技术,它将增强美国和盟军在世界各地的定位能力。国防部一直在不断升级和改进系统的所有组件,以与技术进步和不断扩展的用户群体的要求保持同步。 GPS用户社区包括越来越多的民用,科学和商业应用,范围从精确扫描到查明配电网络的中断。但是,GPS在军事和民用两方面都给美国政府和国防部决策者带来了巨大挑战。自GPS诞生以来,国防部一直面临着平衡各种不同,有时甚至相互竞争的国家安全,民政,外交政策,商业和科学利益的需求。挑战在于如何在不损害国家安全利益的前提下,充分利用该系统的全部民事用途。随着美国和盟军越来越依赖于GPS进行所有类型的军事行动,并且随着全球民用用户群体的应用不断扩展,这一挑战对于军事领导人将变得更加艰巨。



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