首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Alleles at the Nicastrin locus modify presenilin 1-deficiency phenotype

Alleles at the Nicastrin locus modify presenilin 1-deficiency phenotype


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Presenilin 1 (PS1), presenilin 2, and nicastrin form high molecular weight complexes that are necessary for the endoproteolysis of several type 1 transmembrane proteins, including amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the Notch receptor, by apparently similar mechanisms. The cleavage of the Notch receptor at the "S3-site" releases a C-terminal cytoplasmic fragment (Notch intracellular domain) that acts as the intracellular transduction molecule for Notch activation. Missense mutations in the presenilins cause familial Alzheimer's disease by augmenting the "γ-secretase" cleavage of APP and overproducing one of the proteolytic derivatives, the Aβ peptide. Null mutations in PS1 inhibit both γ-secretase cleavage of APP and S3-site cleavage of the Notch receptor. Mice lacking PS1 function have defective Notch signaling and die perinatally with severe skeletal and brain deformities. We report here that a genetic modifier on mouse distal chromosome 1, coinciding with the locus containing Nicastrin, influences preseni-lin-mediated Notch S3-site cleavage and the resultant Notch phenotype without affecting presenilin-mediated APP γ-site cleavage. Two missense substitutions of residues conserved among vertebrates have been identified in nicastrin. These results indicate that Notch S3-site cleavage and APP γ-site cleavage are distinct prese-nilin-dependent processes and support a functional interaction between nicastrin and presenilins in vertebrates. The dissociation of Notch S3-site and APP γ-site cleavage activities will facilitate development of γ-secretase inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
机译:早老素1(PS1),早老素2和尼卡斯特林形成高分子量复合物,这对几种1型跨膜蛋白(包括淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP)和Notch受体)进行内蛋白水解是必需的,其机制很相似。在“ S3-位”处Notch受体的裂解释放出C-末端胞质片段(Notch细胞内结构域),其充当Notch激活的细胞内转导分子。早老蛋白中的错义突变通过增加APP的“γ-分泌酶”裂解并过量产生一种蛋白水解衍生物Aβ肽而引起家族性阿尔茨海默氏病。 PS1中的无效突变既抑制APP的γ-分泌酶裂解,又抑制Notch受体的S3位裂解。缺乏PS1功能的小鼠的Notch信号缺陷,并在围产期死于严重的骨骼和脑部畸形。我们在这里报告说,小鼠远端染色体1上的遗传修饰符,与含有尼卡斯汀的基因座相吻合,影响早老素介导的Notch S3位点的裂解和由此产生的Notch表型,而不影响早老素介导的APPγ位点的裂解。在尼卡斯汀中已经鉴定出脊椎动物中保守的两个残基的错义取代。这些结果表明Notch S3-位点的裂解和APPγ位点的裂解是不同的pre-nilin依赖过程,并支持脊椎动物中尼古斯汀和早老蛋白之间的功能相互作用。 Notch S3位点和APPγ位点的裂解活性的解离将促进开发用于治疗阿尔茨海默氏病的γ分泌酶抑制剂。



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