首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Common features in structures and sequences of sandwich-like proteins

Common features in structures and sequences of sandwich-like proteins


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The goal of this work is to define the structural and sequence features common to sandwich-like proteins (SPs), a group of very different proteins now comprising 69 superfamilies in 38 protein folds. Analysis of the arrangements of strands within main sandwich sheets revealed a rigorously defined constraint on the super-secondary substructure that holds true for 94% of known SP structures. The invariant substructure consists of two interlocked pairs of neighboring β-strands. It is even more typical for centers of SP than the well-known "Greek key" strands arrangement for their edges. As homology among these proteins is not usually detectable even with the most powerful sequence-comparing algorithms, we employed a structure-based approach to sequence alignment. Within the interlocked strands we found 12 positions with fixed structural roles in SP. A residue at any of these positions possesses similar structural properties with residues in the same position of other SPs. The 12 positions lie at the center of the interface between the β-sheets and form the common geometrical core of SPs. Of the 12 positions, 8 are occupied by only four hydrophobic residues in 80% of all SPs.
机译:这项工作的目的是定义三明治样蛋白质(SPs)共有的结构和序列特征,三明治样蛋白质(SPs)是一组非常不同的蛋白质,现在包含38个蛋白质折叠的69个超家族。对主夹层板中股线排列的分析表明,对超次级子结构的严格定义的约束适用于94%的已知SP结构。不变子结构由相邻的β链的两个互锁的对组成。对于SP的中心,它的边缘甚至比众所周知的“希腊键”(Greek key)链条边缘更为典型。由于即使使用最强大的序列比较算法也通常无法检测到这些蛋白质之间的同源性,因此我们采用了基于结构的方法进行序列比对。在互锁的链中,我们发现了12个在SP中具有固定结构角色的位置。这些位置中任何一个的残基具有相似的结构特性,而残基位于其他SP的相同位置。这12个位置位于β-折叠之间的界面中心,并形成SP的共同几何核心。在所有SP的80%中,这12个位置中的8个仅被四个疏水残基占据。



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