
Biography of Pietro De Camilli

机译:Pietro De Camilli传记

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During synaptic transmission, neurotransmitter-containing vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane, releasing neuro-transmitters into the synaptic space by exocytosis. In the subsequent seconds, vesicle membranes are reinternalized and reused for the next generation of synaptic vesicles. Over the last 25 years, Pietro De Camilli has studied the molecular mechanisms involved in this intricate cycle of membrane traffic and has identified and characterized numerous proteins that participate in the process. Trained as an M.D., he has also made significant contributions toward understanding human diseases of the nervous system that involve autoimmu-nity against synaptic proteins. Because the synaptic vesicle is a powerful model organelle for studying fundamental mechanisms in membrane-cytoskeletal interactions, membrane fusion, and membrane budding, De Camilli's discoveries are relevant to secretory and endo-cytic mechanisms in many fields beyond neurotransmission.
机译:在突触传递过程中,含神经递质的囊泡与质膜融合,通过胞吐作用将神经递质释放到突触间隙。在随后的几秒钟内,囊泡膜被重新内化,并重新用于下一代的突触囊泡。在过去的25年中,Pietro De Camilli研究了这种复杂的膜运输循环所涉及的分子机制,并鉴定并鉴定了参与该过程的众多蛋白质。作为一名医学博士,他在理解神经系统涉及涉及突触蛋白的免疫性的人类疾病方面也做出了重大贡献。因为突触小泡是研究膜细胞骨架相互作用,膜融合和膜出芽的基本机制的强大模型细胞器,所以De Camilli的发现与神经传递以外许多领域的分泌和内吞机制有关。



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