首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Probing the active site tightness of DNA polymerase in subangstrom increments

Probing the active site tightness of DNA polymerase in subangstrom increments


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We describe the use of a series of gradually expanded thymine nucleobase analogs in probing steric effects in DNA polymerase efficiency and fidelity. In these nonpolar compounds, the base size was increased incrementally over a 1.0-A range by use of variably sized atoms (H, F, Cl, Br, and I) to replace the oxygen molecules of thymine. Kinetics studies with DNA Pol I (Klenow fragment, exo-nuclease-deficient) in vitro showed that replication efficiency opposite adenine increased through the series, reaching a peak at the chlorinated compound. Efficiency then dropped markedly as a steric tightness limit was apparently reached. Importantly, fidelity also followed this trend, with the fidelity maximum at dichloro-toluene, the largest compound that fits without apparent repulsion. The fidelity at this point approached that of wild-type thymine. Surprisingly, the maximum fidelity and efficiency was found at a base pair size significantly larger than the natural size. Parallel bypass and mutagenesis experiments were then carried out in vivo with a bacterial assay for replication. The cellular results were virtually the same as those seen in solution. The results provide direct evidence for the importance of a tight steric fit on DNA replication fidelity. In addition, the results suggest that even high-fidelity replicative enzymes have more steric room than necessary, possibly to allow for an evolutionarily advantageous mutation rate.
机译:我们描述了在探索DNA聚合酶效率和保真度的空间效应中使用一系列逐渐扩展的胸腺嘧啶核苷类似物。在这些非极性化合物中,通过使用大小可变的原子(H,F,Cl,Br和I)取代胸腺嘧啶的氧分子,碱基大小在1.0-A的范围内逐渐增加。体外DNA Pol I(Klenow片段,核酸外切酶缺失)的动力学研究表明,与腺嘌呤相反的复制效率在整个系列中均增加,在氯化化合物处达到峰值。然后,由于明显达到了空间紧密度极限,效率显着下降。重要的是,保真度也遵循了这一趋势,在二氯甲苯中保真度最大,二氯甲苯适合的最大化合物没有明显排斥。此时的保真度接近野生型胸腺嘧啶。出人意料的是,在碱基对大小显着大于天然大小的情况下,发现了最大保真度和效率。然后在体内用细菌测定法进行平行旁路和诱变实验以进行复制。细胞结果实际上与溶液中观察到的结果相同。结果提供了直接的证据,证明紧密的空间配合对DNA复制保真度的重要性。另外,结果表明,即使是高保真复制酶也具有比必要的更大的空间,可能允许进化上有利的突变率。



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