首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Ninab Combines Carotenoid Oxygenase And Retinoid Isomerase Activity In A Single Polypeptide

Ninab Combines Carotenoid Oxygenase And Retinoid Isomerase Activity In A Single Polypeptide


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In animals, successful production of the visual chromophore (11-cis-retinal or derivatives thereof such as 11-cis-3-hydroxy-retinal) is essential for photoreceptor cell function and survival. These caro-tenoid-derived compounds must combine with a protein moiety (the opsin) to establish functional visual pigments. Evidence from cell culture systems has implicated that the retinal pigment epithelium protein of 65 kDa (RPE65) is the long-sought all-trans to 11-cis retinoid isomerase. RPE65 is structurally related to nonheme iron oxygenases that catalyze the conversion of carotenoids into retinoids. In vertebrate genomes, two carotenoid oxygenases and RPE65 are encoded, whereas in insect genomes only a single representative of this protein family, named NinaB (denoting neither inactivation nor afterpotential mutant B), is encoded. We here cloned and functionally characterized the ninaB gene from the great wax moth Galleria mellonella. We show that the recombinant purified enzyme combines isomerase and oxygenase (isomerooxy-genase) activity in a single polypeptide. From kinetics and isomeric composition of cleavage products of asymmetrical carotenoid substrates, we propose a model for the spatial arrangement between substrate and enzyme. In Drosophila, we show that carotenoid-isomerooxygenase activity of NinaB is more generally found in insects, and we provide physiological evidence that carotenoids such as 11-cis-retinal can promote visual pigment biogenesis in the dark. Our study demonstrates that trans/cis isomerase activity can be intrinsic to this class of proteins and establishes these enzymes as key components for both invertebrate and vertebrate vision.
机译:在动物中,视觉生色团(11-顺式-视网膜或其衍生物,例如11-顺式-3-羟基-视网膜)的成功生产对于感光细胞的功能和存活至关重要。这些类胡萝卜素衍生的化合物必须与蛋白质部分(视蛋白)结合才能形成功能性视觉色素。细胞培养系统的证据表明,65 kDa的视网膜色素上皮蛋白(RPE65)是人们长期以来寻求的全反式至11-顺式视黄醇异构酶。 RPE65在结构上与非血红素铁氧化酶有关,后者催化类胡萝卜素向类维生素A的转化。在脊椎动物基因组中,编码了两个类胡萝卜素加氧酶和RPE65,而在昆虫基因组中,仅编码了该蛋白家族的一个代表,命名为NinaB(既不表示失活也不表示突变后的突变体B)。我们在这里从巨大的蛾蛾Galleria mellonella克隆了ninaB基因并对其功能进行了表征。我们显示重组纯化的酶结合了单一多肽中的异构酶和加氧酶(异构氧合酶)活性。从不对称类胡萝卜素底物的裂解产物的动力学和异构体组成,我们提出了底物和酶之间空间排列的模型。在果蝇中,我们显示NinaB的类胡萝卜素-异构加氧酶活性更常见于昆虫中,并且我们提供了生理证据,表明类胡萝卜素(例如11-顺-视网膜)可以在黑暗中促进视觉色素的生物发生。我们的研究表明,反式/顺式异构酶活性可能是这类蛋白质固有的,并将这些酶确定为无脊椎动物和脊椎动物视觉的关键成分。



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