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The Arctic ship Polarbjorn


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Polarbjorn ('Polar Bear') was launched at Narvik in 1919, having been constructed for work in the Arctic. In 1923 she was the expedition ship for Adrian Jacobsen's expedition to Franz Josef Land, Svalbard, and Novaya Zemlya. The following year she was the expedition ship for George Binney's Oxford University expedition to Svalbard. She sailed twice to the Arctic with aeroplanes onboard to chart the region, in 1924 to Svalbard and in 1932 to northeast Greenland. Between 1931 and 1948 she was expedition ship for 10 scientific expeditions to Svalbard, Jan Mayen, and northeast Greenland organized by the Norges Svalbard-og Ishavsundersokelser, the forerunner to the Norsk Polarinstitutt. In 1940 Polarbj0rn was engaged by the Norwegian government in exile in London to deliver equipment and supplies to wintering trappers and wireless operators and to bring secret codes to the telegraph stations in northeast Greenland. From autumn 1941 to the end of the war she was chartered by US government forces and shuttled between Boston and Halifax to Greenland, Baffin Island, and Labrador. After the war she returned to sealing under Norwegian ownership, and in 1949 caught fire and sank off Belle Isle, Newfoundland.
机译:Polarbjorn(“北极熊”)于1919年在纳尔维克(Narvik)发射升空,当时是为在北极工作而建造的。在1923年,她是阿德里安·雅各布森(Adrian Jacobsen)前往弗朗兹·约瑟夫(Franz Josef Land),斯瓦尔巴特群岛(Svalbard)和诺瓦亚·泽姆利亚(Novaya Zemlya)的探险船。次年,她是乔治·本尼(George Binney)的牛津大学(Oxford University)斯瓦尔巴特群岛(Svalbard)探险队的探险船。她乘飞机两次乘飞机前往北极,绘制了该地区的地图,并于1924年前往斯瓦尔巴特群岛和1932年前往格陵兰东北。在1931年到1948年之间,她是挪威海军极地先驱Norges Svalbard-og Ishavsundersokelser组织的前往斯瓦尔巴,扬·马延和格陵兰东北部的10次科学考察的船。 1940年,Polarbj0rn受挪威政府的委托,流亡伦敦,向越冬的诱捕者和无线操作员提供设备和物资,并将秘密代码带到格陵兰东北部的电报站。从1941年秋天到战争结束,她被美国政府部队租用,并在波士顿和哈利法克斯之间往返于格陵兰,巴芬岛和拉布拉多。战争结束后,她回到挪威的控制下重新封印,并于1949年起火并在纽芬兰的Belle Isle处沉没。



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