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WTI rallies as Trump takes measured response toward China


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NYMEX oil futures rallied in the final minutes of trading to settle sharply higher Friday amid optimism that the US and China could avoid a renewed trade war despite rising tensions in recent weeks. NYMEX July WTI settled $1.78/b higher at $35.49/b while ICE July Brent climbed 4 cents to $35.33/b. US President Donald Trump, in an Friday afternoon press conference that started minutes after the market settle, again criticized Beijing's coronavirus response and blamed China for allowing the pandemic to spread worldwide. But outside of announcing limited sanctions on individuals connected with recent unrest in Hong Kong, Trump's hard-line rhetoric did not translate into meaningful policy action - a signal to markets that Trump is unwilling to risk the Phase 1 trade deal at this time.
机译:纽约商品交易所(NYMEX)的石油期货在交易的最后几分钟上涨,周五收盘大幅上涨,市场乐观的是,尽管最近几周紧张局势加剧,美国和中国可以避免再次爆发贸易战。 NYMEX 7月WTI收高1.78美元/桶至35.49美元/桶,而ICE 7月布伦特原油上涨4美分至35.33美元/桶。美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在周五下午的新闻发布会上说,市场定盘后几分钟就开始了,它再次批评北京的冠状病毒反应,并谴责中国允许大流行在全球蔓延。但是,除了宣布对与香港近期动荡有关的个人实施有限制裁之外,特朗普的强硬言论并未转化为有意义的政策行动-向市场发出信号,表明特朗普目前不愿冒险进行第一阶段贸易协议。



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