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Guilty plea tied to US probe of power industry; government talks of bid-rigging, fraud and more


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In the first guilty plea in what the Department of Justice says is a larger federal investigation, a former New York Power Authority employee pleaded guilty last week to charges that he accepted about $167,000 in kickbacks and bribes from a vendor while he was part of the NYPA purchasing department. DOJ would not disclose anything about the investigation, which it described as an ongoing federal antitrust investigation into the power generation industry involving bid-rigging, bribery, fraud and tax-related offenses. The department would not discuss any further details of the investigation, including its duration or the geographic area involved. The investigation is being conducted by the DOJ Antitrust Division's New York field office, with the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service's Criminal Investigation unit. The New York Power Authority cooperated, DOJ said. The department would not discuss the duration of the probe or the geographic area it covers. Edward Goldblatt of Melville, New York, a former purchasing warehouse assistant at NYPA, pled guilty in US District Court in Brooklyn to conspiring to defraud the power authority in a bribery scheme where he accepted kickback payments from a vendor. According to the information, Goldblatt also caused NYPA to pay fraudulent overcharges, which he then shared with that vendor.
机译:在美国司法部说的第一次有罪认罪是一项较大的联邦调查中,前纽约电力管理局的一名雇员上周认罪,指控他在加入NYPA期间接受了来自卖方的约16.7万美元的回扣和贿赂。采购部门。司法部不会透露有关该调查的任何消息,该调查被描述为正在进行的针对发电行业的联邦反托拉斯调查,涉及操纵投标,贿赂,欺诈和与税收有关的违法行为。该部门不会讨论调查的任何进一步细节,包括调查的持续时间或涉及的地理区域。这项调查是由美国司法部反托拉斯部纽约总部外办事处在联邦调查局和国税局刑事调查部门的协助下进行的。美国司法部说,纽约电力局进行了合作。该部门不会讨论调查的持续时间或其涵盖的地理区域。纽约梅尔维尔市的爱德华·戈德布拉特(Edward Goldblatt)是纽约警察局前采购仓库助理,他在布鲁克林美国地方法院认罪,共谋通过贿赂计划欺骗权力机构,接受了卖方的回扣付款。根据信息,Goldblatt还导致NYPA支付了欺诈性的超额费用,然后他与该供应商分担了这些费用。



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