首页> 外文期刊>Plant Growth Regulation >Rhodococcus fascians: Shoot Proliferation without Elevated Cytokinins?

Rhodococcus fascians: Shoot Proliferation without Elevated Cytokinins?


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In order to determine whether the disease symptoms caused by virulent strains of Rhodococcus fascians are due to increased cytokinin activity in infected tissues, germinating peas (Pisum sativum cv Novella) were inoculated with either a virulent strain or a nonvirulent strain of Rhodococcus fascians. The nonvirulent strain lacked both the ipt gene and the putative cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase homologue, fas5. Control peas were not inoculated. Twelve cytokinins were isolated from pea shoots 3, 6 and 9 days post-inoculation. Within 6 days of inoculation the levels of cytokinin free bases, ribosides, O-glucosides and nucleotides were decreased in shoots inoculated with the virulent strain, and were increased in shoots inoculated with the nonvirulent strain relative to the uninoculated control. The results are discussed with respect to the classic Skoog and Miller (1965) model of organogenesis and to the possible involvement of the plant cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase during infection by virulent strains of R. fascians.
机译:为了确定由强力红球菌法西斯菌引起的疾病症状是否是由于感染组织中细胞分裂素活性增加所致,向发芽的豌豆(Pisum sativum cv Novella)接种了强毒力或无毒力的罗西斯法西斯菌。非毒力菌株缺乏ipt基因和推定的细胞分裂素氧化酶/脱氢酶同源物fas5。没有接种对照豌豆。接种后3、6和9天从豌豆芽中分离出十二种细胞分裂素。接种后6天内,相对于未接种对照,在接种有毒力菌株的芽中,细胞分裂素游离碱,核糖苷,O-葡糖苷和核苷酸的水平降低,而在接种了非毒性菌株的芽中,细胞分裂素的游离碱,核糖苷,O-葡萄糖苷和核苷酸的水平升高。关于经典的Skoog and Miller(1965)的器官发生模型以及植物的细胞分裂素氧化酶/脱氢酶可能在法西斯菌的强毒株感染期间可能参与其中,对结果进行了讨论。



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